Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Shadow Secretary of State for Defence with Conservatives Abroad in Dubai

British Conservatives Abroad living in Dubai met with the Shadow Secretary of State for Defence, Dr Liam Fox MP who was visiting Dubai. Dr Fox praised the work that Gulf Tories were doing to encourage expatriates living in the Gulf to participate in the next UK general election that is waiting to be called.

Dr Fox said “we really appreciate the work of the Gulf Tories that enables Britons living abroad to keep closely in touch with their political interests in the UK, this also strengthens the much valued political and business links in the Gulf”.

David Haigh, Co-Chairman British Conservatives Abroad UAE said “there are over two million British expatriates worldwide eligible to vote in UK elections with only a small percentage registered. We want to impress upon those potential voters that their vote really counts and encourage the estimated 200,000 living in the UAE to register online to vote as soon as possible”.

The easiest way to register on line is at

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Conservatives Abroad Bahrain receives William Hague, Liam Fox and Hugo Swire

Following our Honorary Chairman’s letter a few days ago, we also have a number of other highlights to point out.

First of all we would like to personally thank those of you who took the time to join us last Wednesday, it was a wonderful opportunity to get to meet a lot of new faces and also some familiar ones. The overwhelming support we have received has been very encouraging and we hope to build on this momentum and organize a number of events in the near future. For those of you that were unable to join us we do hope that you will be able to make it to our next events.

Having discussed with a number of you the need to get senior political figures to visit us in the Gulf and also the feeling of under representation that has been prevalent in the past we are pleased to let you know that results have already been achieved. This weekend, along with the BBBF leaders, we were able to meet a number of politicians who have explicitly expressed their support for our development as a group. Rt Hon William Hague, Shadow Foreign Secretary, and Dr Liam Fox, Shadow Secretary of State for Defense, met with us on Saturday morning at the Ritz Carlton where we were able to discuss with them the great opportunities that lay in the Gulf with the expat community and the need for greater representation. Both expressed their personal support for Gulf Tories and acknowledged the importance of renewing ties that have been allowed to lie fallow under the Labour government.

Additionally, William Hague said “I am delighted that British Conservatives in Bahrain has been established, they are further helping to strengthen the vital political and business ties between Britain and Bahrain which will be an important policy of an incoming Conservative Government”

Dr Liam Fox added, “This wonderful organisation enables British subjects to maintain their political interest in home and emphasises the importance to Britain of one of our closes friends in the Gulf”

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gulf Daily News » Local News » Consevatives Abroad meet British leaders

Some of you may have already seen the coverage in the GDN on Conservatives Abroad but if not here is the link:

Gulf Daily News » Local News » Conservatives Abroad meet British leaders

That evening we were also able to meet with Hugo Swire MP, who is also Secretary of the Conservative Middle Council. He expressed his great interest in mobilizing a network of Conservative expatriates throughout the Middle East to encourage eligible voters to participate in the forthcoming general election.

Things have indeed moved quickly in the last few days but we intend to keep this momentum going and we are currently in the process of organizing a number of other events whose keynote speakers will include important political figures from Westminster. We have had the commitment of these Conservative leaders that there will be further visits in the near future and I will be keeping you updated with mailings over the Christmas period. In the meantime we encourage you to stay in touch and for those of you who are eligible and keen to vote please do let us know so that we can organize suitable proxies.